17.3 inches screen too big for a laptop

Is 17.3 inches screen too big for a laptop?

When it comes to laptop screens, larger isn’t always better. They enhance the quality of the experience of watching movies and playing video games. The larger the screen, the better the experience? The size of the screen is one of the key factors that influence the experience of using a laptop. But is the 17.3 inches screen too big for a laptop?

A bigger screen makes a good hand for your valuable graphics design and media work.

Another quality factor for larger laptops is that they have higher capabilities. When you are not attempting to reduce the size of your laptop, you can have more space for a faster CPU, more powerful graphics, and larger hard drives, resulting in a laptop that is ideal for gaming and graphics designing.

Computer games are the best memories of everyone’s childhood; yet, the game may change for various people. With the advancement of smartphones, tablets, and televisions, gaming laptops have arisen, enhancing the gaming experience. A larger screen is always favored by gamers for a better viewing experience and a wider field of vision.

Laptop size is essential for everyone; currently, we prefer laptops since they are compact and easy to carry. Also, the working efficiency is excellent; you may perform any intense task without being distracted by your surroundings. 17.3-inch laptops often have additional cooling fans since they are heavier and require greater cooling to function efficiently.

It is essential that you choose a 17.3-inch display laptop based on your work, whether you work in a single place or frequently need to carry it outside. If you buy a smaller laptop than 17 inches, it is also a good idea to get cooling pads to ensure everything functions smoothly and has good cooling.

Pros and Cons of the 17 Inch Screen in laptops

Pros of 17-inch screen laptops:-

1. Larger display

People normally choose a larger display to perform their tasks efficiently based on their work since a larger screen provides more area to complete work. Larger displays are also better in terms of efficiency and endurance. A 17-inch laptop can also give similar performance. Also offers high-quality gaming, graphics design, photo editing & video editing, and other areas.

A larger display gives more space on which to work and move your applications, programs, and activities. It supports multitasking by allowing you to move between applications. Additionally, these laptops include an in-built program that allows users to switch between two screens.

2. Better readability

A 17-inch laptop is great for purchasing since it gives much higher readability than smaller laptops. It makes it easier for people to read text and articles. It also protects your eyes from strain while working due to its excellent readability.

3. Wider viewing angle

The major benefit of a bigger display is a wider viewing angle. It enables you to perceive and watch everything properly and comfortably even when you are distant from the screen and they are more prominent. The best part is that it improves your productivity and overall experience due to a bigger display with a wider viewing angle.

4. Improved memory

Because of the larger screen size, you have more space to attach hardware. This implies you’ll be able to add drives and RAM slots to improve the speed and efficiency of the laptop. As a result, if you want to improve the memory and performance of your laptop, try purchasing one with a large screen.

5. Durable and efficient

As previously mentioned, a larger screen allows for more components to be placed inside. They offer efficient and durable performance. A 17-inch laptop display is excellent for gaming, graphical visualization, video editing, and other applications. They are also most efficient when performing intense activities.

6. Screen Refresh Rate

The greater the refresh rate, the bigger the display since it is more efficient. A 17-inch laptop has a high refresh rate as well. They also greatly enhance the user experience; moreover, for heavy work and gaming, a high refresh rate makes a significant difference.

7. Large Power Adapter

A 17-inch laptop includes a large power adapter. This allows the laptop to function more effectively.

8. Simple to Use

A large display is easy to use since it enhances and improves reading and visibility.

9. Better than Desktops

If you want to buy a desktop, a laptop is a better option. It increases the efficiency and screen size of a desktop computer in a small 17-inch laptop. With a desktop, you get the best setup without having to switch to desktop mode every now and again. As a result, a 17-inch laptop is preferred over a desktop computer.

Cons of 17 Inch Screen Laptops

1. Not Easy To Work With

for a versatile individual who prioritizes work above comfort when traveling. In such a case, a larger display cannot be beneficial because it takes up more space, thus you will not prefer a larger laptop.

College students who use laptops at college do not prefer heavy laptops with large displays, and there are several more reasons why students will not use larger laptops. They also prefer not to bring a backpack for those heavy laptops. Along with gaining weight, it also consumes more energy.

2. Battery life

The larger the screen, the higher the resolution. It would consume more power, hence decreasing the battery’s endurance. The cost of such laptops with 17-inch displays is higher. So you may buy a laptop with a large screen, a high resolution, as well as a long battery life.

3. They take up a lot of space

A 17-inch laptop is large and bulky, taking up a lot of space. This might be troublesome while traveling as well.

4. Portability

17-inch laptops are bulkier, therefore a big screen size will be required to compromise the device’s portability. In comparison to smaller than 17-inch laptops, the screen can also weigh more.


As a result, if you buy a laptop with a large or small screen is completely up to you. If you travel frequently and your profession requires portability, you can get a portable laptop.

A 17-inch laptop, on the other hand, is an excellent choice if you must use it in a specific workplace or at home. In addition to the screen size, you should check to see if the laptop’s other specifications have been improved.

Many users choose smaller displays since bigger displays have an impact on portability.

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