
Why is my MacBook charger turning yellow? What to do?

Most of us have seen a white charger turning yellow after a long time period. If you are using any Macbook, a mobile phone, or a tablet with a white charger you will tend to notice that the tip turns yellow after a certain period of time.

Not all chargers turn yellow but I have had the same experience with my Macbook. The charger turned yellow after a while(a long time though).

There are many reasons why your MacBook charger is turning yellow, let’s discuss why it happens.

A few Reasons why the Macbook charger Turns yellow

If you are noticing that your MacBook charger is turning yellow then there can be a few reasons why this is happening.

1. Overheating

The first reason is because of overheating. As you plug in a charger it starts crawling power and charging the batteries attached to the cable. In some cases, due to old batteries, the cable starts to draw more power and gets overheated. The cable is oxidized due to excess heat and turns yellow.

2. Internal failure

When there is an internal failure in the Macbook components the charger draws more power than it is designed. This excess voltage causes it to overheat. It can be a good reason for a turning yellow charger.

3. Extended Use

Many of us have this bad habit of keeping ur charging cable connected even after it is fully charged. We tend to use heavy operations in our MacBook and the charger just keeps getting heated in the due course of time. This leads to overheating and the charging cable turns yellow.

4. Cheap Material 

Cables also turn yellow because of their construction material. As they are made from cheap PVC material which tends to absorb sweat and oil from our body and turns yellow over time. 

How to protect or avoid the MacBook charger from turning yellow?

If you want to avoid your MacBook charger from turning yellow then you have to take some precautionary measures which will save it from changing color.

1. Check Laptop Batteries

When lap batteries lose their power retaining capabilities or in short become weaker they tend to draw more power. As a result of this more power flows than the cables are designed for. This overheats the cable. If you check batteries regularly and replace them as soon as they are worn out then there wouldn’t be any issue.

2. Don’t Work while the Charger is still Connected

If the laptop battery is fully charged, remove the power cable from the outlet. By doing this you will avoid the cable unnecessarily connected to a power source.

If we work on our MacBook while the cable is connected it will continue to draw power whenever it senses the battery is not fully charged which is harmful to both the laptop battery and cable.

3. Charge in a Cooler Environment

If you are charging your Macbook in a hotter environment then there is a chance of overheating. You should charge your MacBook or laptop at a cooler temperature. The rule of thumb says the temperature should be 23-25℃ (Celcius) approximately 2 degrees lower than the room temperature.

4. Clean them Regularly

Charger cables absorb the sweat and oil from our body and turn yellow. If we clean them on a periodical basis then the chances of getting yellow will be lower and longer.

5. Get it Inspected

A faulty charger cable can be harmful to the gadget and humans as it can catch fire. So get it checked by the earnest Apple store and if it is a faulty one get it replaced. Some stores make a free replacement.

How to clean a Yellow MacBook Charger?

There are a few methods to clean a yellow cable charger.

how to clean a yellow Macbook charger

1. Use Wet Tissue

In case the cable is turning yellow because of the absorbed seat and oil then clean it with wet tissue at the area where it is turning yellow. In most cases, it will clean a major portion of the yellowness.

2. Use Alcohol based Air Sprayer

Using an alcohol-based air sprayer can also clean all the dirt, and oil sitting on the cable for a long time.


We have included some reasons why your MacBook charger is turning yellow and how you can prevent it from happening. If you find them useful please write them in the comment box below.

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